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It is considered as THE NATURAL VIAGRA, besides having more properties. Properties and Virtues: Maca is a native of Junín plant, grows to 4.105 meters high, has a long history of cultivation since pre-Inca times to the present, is a food that has transcended time and now KOKEN of Peru, the third millennium makes available to all consumers of Peru and the world. It is a superior food and considering to be healthy, energetic restorative, invigorating in content unmatched Proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, besides having 9 of the 10 essential amino acids, which confer preventive and curative properties and is recommended for consumption by children, adults and seniors, because it has no restrictions or contraindications. In 100 micro grams of powdered maca flour PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATES 11-13% 70-75% 3-5% FIBRE FAT 0.7 to ≤ 1.5% MOISTURE 6% MINERALS Potassium 1627 mg% Calcium 366 mg% Phosphorus 350 mg 93% Magnesium .% Iron 60 mg 10 mg Zinc 2%.% Manganese 30 mg. 2 5 mg% Sulfur 309 mg% for its amino acid content, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, etc.. It is considered a healthy, energetic, tonic, invigorating and stimulating natural superior food, fit for consumption by children, youth, adults and seniors. By its action onmicrocirculation: Active neurons revitalizing brain functions. By its estrogen content, alkaloids, glucosinolates, flavonoids and plant hormones: It is considered a natural stimulant of the hypothalamus and pituitary and these in turn endocrine glands such as the thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries and testes to produce hormones needed to maintain homeostasis of the human body favors the reproductive capacity of the partner controls the menstrual pain Relieves symptoms of menopause: Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, changes of character, etc.. Regulates cholesterol, reducing LDL or "bad" cholesterol the amount of estrogen, plant hormones and other substances such as glucosinolates, alkaloids, etc.. act to improve the sexual libido. For its high calcium content: In children: promotes calcification and bone development. Adjuvant in the treatment of patients with fractures, rickets and osteomalacia treatment of women with osteoporosis for its content of iron and magnesium: Stimulates the formation and maturation of red blood cells Useful in the treatment of anemia for its Zinc content: Increase the capacity of body's defense system. Zinc and Magnesium confer anti-stress and anti-depressant properties. By its content of vitamins C and E and minerals zinc, manganese, and copper: It is considered an antioxidant, becauseprevents premature cellular aging.
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