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OIL OF PURE FISH 1,100 MG (EPA 310 MG / DHA 210 MG) (ACIDOS GREASY OMEGA3), CAPSULES. INFORMACION NUTRITIOUS BY CAPSULE: Oil of Fish Concentrated, 1. 100 mg Contributing Greasy Acids Omega 3, 640 mg Of which: They saturated, 88 mg. Monoinsaturados, 143 mg. Polyunsaturated, 825 mg Of which: Acid Eicosapentaenoico (EPA), 310 mg. Acid Docosahexaenoico (DHA), 210 mg. Encapsulado with: Glycerin and gelatin. USES: The beneficial ingredients of the oil of fish are two greasy acids, the acid one eicosapentaenoico (EPA) and the acid one docosahexaenoico (DHA). 6 These are greasy acids omega 3 and they are important for: • The mantemiento of a healthy heart. • To help to maintain the mobility to articulate. • To maintain a healthy skin. Although our agency can produce EPA and DHA with the conversion of a related greasy acid of the family of the omega 3, the acid alpha-linolénico, The nutritionists believe that this process always cannot turn out to be efficient. Besides, few food contain EPA and DHA, Especially to the same high level that we find in the oil of greasy fish as the mackerel and the herring. Besides, the investigation suggests that we need at least 1 gram of greasy acids omega 3 each day for an optimum health and even 2-3 grams to fight certain affections, Between them the illnesses of the heart and the problems of mobility articulares. Since the extensive majority of the people they cannot reach this level through the diet, The suplementación of oil of fish is appropriate for many. A greasy acids alternative source omega 3 is the linen seeds oil. But as all equals seem, Frequently it is difficult to appreciate the difference of power among the alimentary complements of oil of existing fish in the market. The reality is that there is a great difference! The content of omega 3 can vary enormously and, surprisingly, the labels frequently us do not count all the details. } Some manufacturers do not yet detail no level of omega 3, not mentioning the content of EPA and DHA (¡frequently because the content is too low!). In LAMBERTS® we think that this information is vital for the professional of the health, since the dosage is it all in practice clinical. Because of it, we are proud to declare, Not only the content I need of omega 3, but all the ingredients utilized in the production of our complete rank of products. The Oil of Pescadp Pure 1. 100 mg of LAMBERTS®, is extracted of the mackerel and the herring and has one of the better levels of greasy acids omega 3 that can be found in the market of the alimentary complements. Each capsule provides a total of 640 mg of these greasy acids, of which 310 they correspond to EPA and 210 to DHA. Besides the process of purification 5-phase that is carried out to our product, It assures a maximum quality. WAY OF EMPLOYMENT: From 1 to 3 capsules to the day with a food. WARNINGS: Itself they have not been described if continues the \"Way of employment\". SECONDARY EFFECTS, OVERDOSE: Itself they have not been described if continues the \"Way of employment\". RECOMMENDATIONS: Maintaining the container well closed in a dry, fresh place and protected of the light, And far from the reach of the children.
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