Energy AUDIRON 30 ml
Bioinformative preparation of herbs for external use.
It contains a balanced composition of pure essential oils and has been developed with the latest knowledge of aromatherapy, psychotronia, herbal therapies, and bioresonance.
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Bioinformative preparation of herbs for external use.
It contains a balanced composition of pure essential oils and has been developed with the latest knowledge of aromatherapy, psychotronia, herbal therapies, and bioresonance.
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Bioinformative preparation containing a unique complex of 7 plants, vitamin E and essential oils with powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Advised in case of otitis, herpes, toothaches, some types of warts, tinnitus, hearing loss, eczema, bites, to treat fungus in the feet and pains in the clavicle area, tendons of the shoulders, forearms and grinders.
AUDIRON has a unique composition of seven plants, apple cider vinegar, vitamin E, bioinformation and essential oils with antiviral power:
HERB OF SAN ROBERTO (Geranium robertianum): since ancient Greece the astringent qualities of this plant have been used to fight inflammation and treat all types of wounds. Contains tannins, malic acid, citric acid and phenol, with antiviral effect.
LLANTÉN MINOR (Plantago lanceolata): contains potassium, calcium and geranium, which is an element with strong antifungal power, also promotes enzymes, slime substances, vitamin C and silicic acid. Its topical application is effective in eczema, hard healing wounds and ulcers.
CONSUELDA (Symphytum officinale): also contains geranium, with its antifungal, calcium, allantoin and flavonoid antioxidant effect. Soothes internal body surfaces, accelerates wound healing and regenerates weakened bones and tissues.
EUPATORIO (Eupatorium cannabinum): contains flavonoids, among others, and is used in the treatment of malaria, in nasal catarrhs and in the flu when it is accompanied by muscular pains. It has a powerful antiviral effect, promotes perspiration and fights fever.
CAPUCHINA (Tropaeolum majus): Contains a natural antibiotic, which in minimal concentrations attacks 46 types of bacteria of Staphylococcus, Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and other bacteria.
CASTANO DE INDIAS (Aesculus hippocastanum): increases the resistance of blood vessels and is used to fight inflammation, tonsillitis, eczema and vascular disorders in the brain. It contains the aesculin that is ten times more effective against unicellular organisms than quinine. It helps fight fever.
PIMPINELA MAYOR (Sanguisorba officinalis): has an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibits bleeding and decreases fever. It is used in the treatment of tonsillitis and to treat wounds and ulcers. It contains flavonoids, antibacterial substances, and is effective against protozoa.
APPLE VINEGAR: great antifungal power. It is used topically in inflammations, herpes, fungi and infections. It contains a high percentage of mineral substances. Relieves pain and eliminates itching.
VITAMIN E: facilitates the healing and granulation of the skin. It has antioxidant and antifungal effect.
MIRRA OIL: antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pain in wounds and ulcers, calms inflammation of the mucous membrane and facilitates healing by its tranquilizing effect.
GERANIUM OIL: has a healing, antidepressant and antiseptic effect. Its topical use soothes the sore throat, inhibits the formation of scars and stimulates the adrenal gland. It is a tonic for the body.
Bioinformation of PARTHENIUM OF CHRYSANTHEMUM (Feverfew), LEMNA (small duckweed), TURBA, and of the following minerals:
AMBER: fossil resin of coniferous trees formed approximately 50 million years ago. It is used in the treatment of various infectious diseases. It decreases fever and stimulates the function of the thymus gland.
QUARTZO ROSA (SiO2): It has antiviral power. It has a positive effect on the mental state and on the function of the central nervous system and the apophysis.
MALAQUITA (Cu2 (CO3) (OH) 2): Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect. It is a widely used remedy widely used in oriental medicine.
CALCEDONIA (SiO2): its possibilities of use, as well as its color, are very varied. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and positive influence on the regeneration of cells and in a large number of vital processes of the organism.
ANDRADITE (Ca3Fe2 [SiO4] 3): has an antibacterial and antiviral effect. It reduces fever and has a positive effect on the lymphatic system.
Regular ear cleaning: deposit several drops of AUDIRON on a sponge or swab and clean them in the usual way.
Otitis of the middle ear: apply 1-3 drops directly to the ear and plug the canal with a cotton swab previously soaked in AUDIRON. Replace each time it dries. (Consult your doctor if after a few hours no improvement is observed).
Read the projection before use.
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