90 Pc sedative tablets. Boiron
Pc is a sedative indicated above homeopathic medicines for relieving emotional Possible Disorders that puedan Asociados come to dream. Consult your leaflet with every use and dosage indications
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Pc is a sedative indicated above homeopathic medicines for relieving emotional Possible Disorders that puedan Asociados come to dream. Consult your leaflet with every use and dosage indications
More info
This is a homeopathic product.
Farmacia Internacional commend the prospective download this medicamento before utilizarlo.
Prospect is Available for download in English
In this leaflet:
1- What is PC tablets and sedatives for what it uses?
2. Before take sedatives PC tablets
3. How will take sedatives PC tablets?
4- Possible Adverse Effects
5- Conservation sedatives PC tablets
1. WHAT IS sedatives Y PC tablets so it can use?
Sedatives PC tablets is presented in closed 40 and 90 tablets.
PC is a sedative used tradicionalmente homeopathic medicines for relieving them of Anxiety Disorders and emotional that I CAN come acompañados Possible Disorders of the dream.
2. Before TAKE sedatives PC tablets
You should not administrarse this medication in patients with hypersensitivity them
Principles activos or cualquier otro componente of preparado.
Whether you are embarazada or breast feeding, check with your doctor or pharmacist entire Prospectus carefully porque Contiene information
importante para Vd. This can obtenerse medicamento sin receta, for the Treatment of health problems under age without the intervention of a doctor. Not however, owes you use with care sedative tablets for PC Download los mejores resultados.
• Conserve this Prospectus. Puede volver a tener that leerlo.
• If you need additional information or Council, to consult your pharmacist.
• If the síntomas empeoran or persistent After 7 days, owes consult a doctor before fcéutico or take a medication.
recomendada dose sedatives PC tablets ejerce nigun no effect on capacity of conducir vehicles or operate machinery.
This medicamento Contiene sucrose and lactose. If your doctor has indicated above that le padece ciertos an intolerance to sugars, consult con before tomarlo.
Patients with diabetes mellitus deben tener into account that this medicamento Contiene 450mg tablets every two sucrose and lactose 144 mg tablets every two
Holder authorizing placing:
BOIRON SIH, S.A. - Av. Valdelaparra, nº 27 28108 Alcobendas - MADRID
Manufacturer: BOIRON - 2 avenue de l'Ouest Lyonnais - 69 510 Messimy - FRANCE
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