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That is as if enurosis originate?
90% of cases are caused by enurosis a physiological problem, and delayed maturation nocturnal bladder or production of above normal urine. The remaining ten percent comes from an unusual event in the child's environment, which gives it the occasional urine loss
's Pipistop and how it works?
The device is a plastic box for small items which is attached to the pajamas with safety pin. It is equipped with a buzzer, a switch and humidity sensor placed at the end portion of a wire one meter long. The humidity sensor measures 13X31 Mm. and is introduced into a panty liner attached to the underwear or to the closest possible to the penis panties or vulva. Thus, once the user starts or urinate, the sensor is wetted and the buzzer sounds hardly exist without delay between the beginning of urination and commissioning buzzer. This makes the child wakes up immediately. Two or three drops of urine are sufficient to get the buzzer and the user interrupts and wake urination. Achieving few adequate trials are sufficient for the child to stop wetting.
Pipistop efficiency?
The therapeutic effectiveness is very high, reaching a success rate of 80-90%.
Full PipiStop ready to use.
Your pipistop includes everything needed for start-up and operation:
device PipiStop
Sensor system "first drop"
A23 12v battery
Instructions for installation and use.
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