Solgar Grape Seed Extract 100mg. 30 capsules
Obtained from the Vitis Vinifera. Increase your profits when accompanied by a vitamin C. Ingredients: Contains 95% proanthocyanidins and proanthocyanidin B, only ingredients present in the grape seed....
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Obtained from the Vitis Vinifera. Increase your profits when accompanied by a vitamin C. Ingredients: Contains 95% proanthocyanidins and proanthocyanidin B, only ingredients present in the grape seed....
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Obtained from the Vitis Vinifera. Increase your profits when accompanied by a vitamin C. Ingredients: Contains 95% proanthocyanidins and proanthocyanidin B, only ingredients present in the grape seed. WHAT ARE proanthocyanidins? Proanthocyanidins from grape seeds refers to the mixture of extracted procyanidins from grape seeds (Vitis vinifea). Procyanidins are widely present in the plant kingdom and in addition to grape seeds, is encuentan tambén in cocoa, chocolate, apples, peanuts, almonds, blueberries and red, the bark of pine trees, Green tea and black tea, and other plant sources. Proanthocyanidins from grape seed are composed mainly of dimers, trimers and tetramers of catechin and epicatechin and esters ac. gallic. The procyanidin dimers and oligomers are also known as oligomeric procyanidins (OPC) and proanthocyanidin oligomers or PCO. Proanthocyanidins from grape seed apoximadamente comprise between 60-70% of the polyphenol content of grapes. Procyanidins are colorless in its pure state. Action Activity proanthocyanidins are grape seed antioxidant capacity. They also have anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and antiatherogenic capacity. They are used in chronic venous insufficiency, capillary fragilityr, retinopathy, as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and to prevent LDL oxidation and therefore acts in preventing cardiovascular disease. How acts? Proanthocyanidins from grape seed have been shown to have high antioxidant activity in the laboratory, eliminating the hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and inhibiting the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL). The power level of the antioxidant activity is related to the degree of polymerization of the molecules. This means that the proanthocyanidins in grape seed with an increased number of catechins and epicatechins, have a protective antioxidant capacity of greater lals fats having lower amount of catechins and epicatechins. Furthermore, the position of the junctions between flavones also influences the peroxidation inhibition. Isomers of procyanidins with 4-6 bonds between the flavones have higher antioxidant capacity than those with union 4-8. Finally, the presence of a gallate group also affects their procyanidin dimer actividad.Un a gallate group bonded to the 3-hydroxy position has higher antioxidant capacity than a dimer without the group. Proanthocyanidins from grape seed have shown anti-inflammatory activity, anticarcinogenic and anti-atherogenic in the laboratory. This activity may be due, in large part, to the antioxidant activity of suchmolecules. These proanthocyanidins are cytotoxic in cultured human some cancer cell lines. The regulation of cell aproptosis by proanthocyanidins in these cancer lines is another possible mechanism of action could explain the anti-carcinogenic activity. It is known that proanthocyanidins are absorbed variably depending on the variety of the components as well as individuals. Using experimental data suggest that proanthocyanidins may have anticancer activity, as conra protect some forms of lipid peroxidation and may be cardioprotective, hepatoprotective and protective of the capillaries. Having antiinflammatory activity. Are commonly used in treatments artritits, varicose veins, diabetic retinopathy and certain allergies. Antitumor Research In proanthocyanidins topically treated animals a significant antitumor activity was demonstrated. In these cases, the incidence of skin tumors, multiplicity and volume were significantly inhibited. These effects were attributed to the inhibition of lipid peroxidation of the epidermis. A higher dose MYORES fueel proantocianimidas degree of inhibition of cancer. A proanthocyanidin extract of grape seed significantly inhibión breast cancer, lung cancer and gastric adenocarcinoma in studies "in vitro".The extract did not inhibit neoplastic cell leukemia K562 mielogenia. In the same experiment, the extract potención murine macrophage cells J774A. (1) Antioxidant Proanthocyanidins have been shown to significantly inhibit the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and other lipids in animal studies "in vitro". Some experimental data suggest that these effects may help protect capilare, cardiac tissue, brain and liver. In other studies, proanthocyanidins protected the brain and liver tissue damage induced experimentally by ACCON reactive oxygen species more effectively than other antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E succinate, and beta-carotene). In other experiments "in vitro" proanthocyanidins grna effectively inhibited by reactive oxygen species involved in microvascular damage. Hepatoprotective hepatic cell death induced by acetaminophen is prevented very effectively and reduced in mice treated with extract of grape seed proanthocyanidins. Extract exposure for 7 days prior to administration of acetaminophen was much more effective as the pretreatment of 3 days. The extract significantly contrarestó DNA fragmentation apptósica promoted by acetaminophen. Other studies cardioprotective "in vivo", proanthocyanidins favored increased resistancedamage caused by ischemia miocarido. In a recent experiment using rabbits fed high cholesterol diets, an extract of grape seed proanthocyanidins significantly attenuated the development of aortic atroesclerosis compared with controls who did not receive the extract. Contraindications proanthocyanidins from grape seed are contraindicated in those with known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in products containing proanthocyanidins from grape seed. Have not been consistently associated with side efectpos. Being water-soluble nutrients, excess intake is simply excreted in urine. Precautions should avoid this supplement for pregnant and lactating women in times.
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