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Arkochim / Arkocápsulas For Milk Thistle 100 caps. Silybum marianum. The floor of the liver by Excellence Description: Milk Thistle is a bisanual plant whose leaves have a particular white marbled whose origin, as a beautiful medieval legend might be related to the Virgin Mary. It has it that the Virgin used the large leaves of a thistle to hide Jesus from Herod's soldiers and the rush to escape, its dropped a few drops of breast milk that last forever in this species as a reminder of such an important day. Properties: Without a doubt, is a plant that has the largest number of scientific research. Its fruit contains silybin, silcristina and silidianina, three substances that form a complex known as silymarin hepatoprotective. It acts directly on cells of the liver, regenerating and fighting hepatotoxic substances (alcohol and other food-borne toxic). It promotes the secretion of the gallbladder, so recommended in cases of liver failure or gallstones. From its association with fumaria obtained an excellent effect of hepatic drainage. Milk Thistle is also a natural hemostatic used in the case of frequent nosebleeds and rules are very abundant. Functional digestive disorders of hepatic origin. Composition: Each capsule contains 300 mg of fruit powder criomolido Milk Thistle contains at least 1.5% of silymarin. Minor functional digestive disorders of hepatic origin.
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