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Energy Stimaral 30 ml.

Bio-active complex that improves the body's resistance, physical and mental effort, combats fatigue and returns energies.



36,90 €
(с НДС.)


It is an excellent preparation with adaptogenic, toning, harmonizing, aphrodisiac and regenerating properties. Improves concentration, brain function, fatigue syndrome, nervous tics and avoids static electricity discharges caused by stress.

The main component of this preparation is Rhodiola (Rosé rodiolo).
In addition to Rosé Rodiolo (Rhodiola Rosea) it contains:
Aralia (Aralia Mandshurica)
Maral (Leuzea Carthamoides)
Magnolia of China (Schizandra Chinensis)
Tercianaria (Scutellaria Bajcalensis)
Cinnamon (Cinnamonum Cassia)
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Artemis (Artemisia Pontica)
Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)
True-Falcon (Acorus Calamus)
Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)

Stimaral has the great advantage of not containing caffeine, not creating addiction and having stimulant effects up to 40-60% higher than those prepared with caffeine. Laboratory tests confirm that Stimaral contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc. Rhodiola contains a large amount of organic acids, such as amber acid, with rejuvenating effects on cells. It also contains flavonoids with anti-oxidant effects and steroid components such as beta-sitosterol.

Because it is a colloid preparation, it is necessary to be agitated 21 times to energize the informative particles and homogenize the sediments, thus multiplying their effectiveness.
It is recommended to take 5 to 7 drops once or twice a day; always half an hour before or after meals. They should not drink liquids immediately, but later to promote regeneration and help detoxify the body.
The last dose should be taken 4 hours before going to sleep, or according to the need in case of doing some type of nocturnal activity.
In cases of pregnancy, no regenerative preparation is recommended except for prescription.

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